Sue Larkey: presents

Once a Year Winter School Sale
Complete (or start) Professional Development over Winter School Holidays.
Term 3 can be the best term for PD as fewer disruptions.
Same content as the popular Live Workshops
Note: Save up to $80 for two courses during Winter School

10 Hours of Teacher Accredited Professional Development over next 6 months

Winter Bundle #1 – The Complete Package for Teaching Children on the Autism Spectrum in a busy classroom.

In depth understanding of teaching children on the Autism Spectrum by Australia’s two experts – Sue Larkey and Dr Tony Attwood (10 hours content).

Winter Bundle #2 The Ultimate Early Childhood Teaching Package – for children who learn & engage differently.

Sue Larkey specifically targets teaching children in Early Childhood setting (10 hours content).

  1. NSW Government NESA site rates this course 4.9 stars out of 5 stars.
  2. ACT Government TQI site rate this course 4.8 stars out 5 stars.
  3. Specialised Teaching Strategies and Frameworks.
  4. Dive deep into understanding students who learn and engage differently.
  5. Add new strategies to support all the children in your class.

Winter School Sale Finishes In

Is Winter School For You?

Sue, Year 2 Teacher

“Your modules have taught me so much and I definitely feel I communicate with my student in a more defined and measured way. He’s responding beautifully and is loving the security of the new ideas, his role within the class and the respect he receives. I thank you Sue from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you Sue for teaching an old girl new tricks. I’ve been teaching for over 40 years and despite retirement 6 years ago I love the challenges of the profession and I love the new learning and insights I’m experiencing now.“

Kylie, Teacher

“I wanted to send this email to say how helpful I have found this course and my head is absolutely spinning with so many ideas I want to implement. I completed all of your course over the weekend. I know you recommended completing them them weekly but honestly they were like a good book and I just wanted to keep going.”

The Complete Package for Teaching Children on the Autism Spectrum in a busy classroom

(Winter Bundle #1)

Course – Sue Larkey – Teaching Strategies & Behaviour Support

In this Course you will learn:

Teaching Strategies for School & Home 

  • What is Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Autism learning style
  • Key teaching strategies from preschool to secondary
  • Classroom strategies
  • Promoting understanding in peers
  • Teaching play & Strategies for playgrounds

 Behaviour Support for School & Home 

  • What are ASD behaviours?
  • Meltdowns & Anxiety
  • Transition strategies for school (preschool, primary and secondary) and home
  • Repetitive and obsessive behaviours
  • Sensory issues

Course  –  Dr Tony Attwood – Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Different Way of Thinking, Learning and Managing Emotions

In this Course you will learn:

  • Cognitive Abilities: A different way of thinking and learning
  • Managing Challenging Behaviour
  • Managing Feelings: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and its role in providing greater strategies to manage emotions and behaviour
  • The Emotional Tool Box, what it is and how to use
  • Strategies to Improve Social Understanding and Friendship Skills
  • Special Interests: Origins and constructive strategies
  • Girls with Asperger’s Syndrome
  • Sensory Sensitivity
  •  Same content as Tony Attwood’s Live Full Day Workshops.

* Sue Larkey (Making it a Success) has interim NESA Accreditation for 5 hours PD until 31 July. Dr Tony Attwood’s course is not NESA Accredited at this time.

Both Course are TQI Accredited. 

The Complete Package for Teaching Children on the Autism Spectrum in a busy classroom.

(Winter Bundle #1)

Bundle: Two Courses: Dr Tony Attwood – Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Different Way of Thinking, Learning and Managing Emotions & Sue Larkey – Understanding ASD: Teaching Strategies & Behaviour Support

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The Ultimate Early Childhood Teaching Package – for children who learn & engage differently

(Winter Bundle #2)

Course  – Sue Larkey – Teaching Strategies & Behaviour Support

In this Course you will learn:

Teaching Strategies for School & Home 

  • What is Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Autism learning style
  • Key teaching strategies from preschool to secondary
  • Classroom strategies
  • Promoting understanding in peers
  • Teaching play & Strategies for playgrounds

 Behaviour Support for School & Home 

  • What are ASD behaviours?
  • Meltdowns & Anxiety
  • Transition strategies for school (preschool, primary and secondary) and home
  • Repetitive and obsessive behaviours
  • Sensory issues

Course  – Sue Larkey – Developing Early Childhood Approaches for Children with Additional Needs

In this Course you will learn:

Teaching Strategies

  • Understanding Different Learning Styles
  • Talking to Families/Carers about Diagnosis
  • Stages of Grief
  • How to use Different Ways of Teaching
  • How to help children develop communication (verbal & non verbal)
  • Visual Strategies
  • Learn Basic Sign Language
  • Steps to Develop an Individual Programme
  • How To Teach Foundation Skills
  • 6 Stages of Play
  • How to create an inclusive play program
  • The Impact Executive Functioning

 Behaviour Support

  • What is Sensory Processing
  • Disorder or Sensory Issues
  • How to create an Individual Sensory Programme
  • What are Sensory Meltdowns
  • Behaviour Management Strategies
  • Tantrums Verses Meltdown
  • Common Causes of Behaviour Meltdowns
  • 3 Steps to Positive Behaviour Support

* Both these Course have interim NESA Accreditation for 5 hours PD until 31 July. Both Course are TQI Accredited. 

The Ultimate Early Childhood Teaching Package – for children who learn & engage differently

(Winter Bundle #2)

Bundle: Two Courses: Sue Larkey – Understanding AS: Teaching Strategies & Behaviour Support & Developing Early Childhood Approaches for Children with Additional Needs

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Register for Your Winter School Course

Offer will not be extended beyond the close date