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8 Key Strategies to Increase Engagement and Participation

(Revised and Updated)

In this Free Training Webinar You Will Learn:

  1. Key Strategies to Increase Engagement and Participation
  2. Increase Understanding of How Children/Students with ASD Learn
  3. How to Use Schedules for the child you know.
  4. Strategies for Communication
  5. Practical Tool for Time Management
  6. Using the Special Interests

Includes Updated Handout and Tips Sheets


Dr Tony Attwood - What is ASD & Understanding the DSM-5

In this Webinar you will learn:

  1. The seven parts of the Criteria for diagnosis of ASD and what the means
  2. Profile of Abilities of Girls - The Mask, Hiding Tactics
  3. Profile of Abilities of Girls with ASD


Sue Larkey - Strategies to Teach Children Who Learn and Engage Differently in Early Childhood

In this Webinar you will learn:

  1. Understanding Different Learning Styles
  2. How to adapt activities to meet ALL children’s learning needs
  3. 5 Key Ways to make Learning Fun
  4. Strategies to help children with separation anxiety
  5. Embracing difference to make a difference
  6. Strategies to increase engagement and participating during mat time
  7. The ONE strategy I wish I knew years ago for helping children with fine motor skills

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