Sue Larkey Neurodiversity Network


Join my new Neurodiversity Network (no cost) – an Online Community where we Inspire, Support and Energise each other to Confidently and Effectively engage the Neurodiverse students we support every day.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time will it take?

My aim is 5 minutes a week minimum. It is up to you how active you want to be in the group

Do I need Facebook?

Not at all; that is just an option to connect privately with people to collaborate.
I will be using zoom, emails and other ways to connect with non-Facebook users

I work in Early Childhood can I join?

Absolutely. The group is for Educators at all ages and stages.

How much does it cost?

No Cost. 

I am a Parent/Carer can I join?

At this stage, the Network is for Educators. I do have a Private Facebook group already for parents/carers I recommend you join.
I also recommend you sign up for my Free E-zines, and listen to my Podcast as a great source of information for you and your children

About The Neurodiversity Network

I am starting this network because I am deeply concerned about the number of students who are not in full-time school and the number of educators who are leaving or retiring. This begs the question: is the current educational system broken? And if so, what can we do about it?

My passion is to support both students and educators, and I believe that together, we can make a real difference by working together. I will share my proposal for how we can make a positive impact in 2023 in upcoming videos, podcasts and emails. I hope you will join the Neurodiversity Network.


Sue Larkey

sue larkey strategies for teaching students with Autism Spectrum
Sue Larkey is a highly qualified educator who has taught students with autism spectrum disorder in the mainstream and special schools. She combines practical experience with extensive research having completed a Masters in Special Education and currently undertaking a Doctorate in Education. Winner of Naturally Autistic 2013 International Award for Community Contribution.   Sue has authored many books on autism spectrum disorders.
“Armed with the tools of understanding and confidence, much can be achieved.”
Sue Larkey