What People Say About Sue’s Online Workshops

“I recently completed the 5 hour online course ‘Making it a success.’ I initially chose to complete this course as I have a little person in my Preschool class this year who has ASD. I have never taught a child who has ASD before and so I have been feeling very anxious and overwhelmed.  I just felt that I didn’t have enough knowledge or skills to teach this little person effectively.” Julie, Teacher

“Thank you again for the opportunity to take part in these extremely informative modules and for all your wonderful teaching tools and resources. I will highly recommend this course to other teachers.” Cathy

“Your passion shines through every module and it is so very motivating, thank you.” Claire Western Australia
“You would have to be one of the best presenters I have seen. It has been fantastic and I have really benefited (as will the families and children I work with) in applying many of the strategies in my work as an Earlylinks/ inclusion project worker” Kim

Sue Larkey On-Demand Course – Participant’s Course Review

Emotional Regulation Course – Participant’s Course Review

Sue Larkey Early Childhood Course – Participant’s Course Review

NEW Social Skills Course – Participant’s Course Review

Temple Grandin & Sue Larkey Teaching Strategies Course – Participant’s Course Review

Teacher Assistant Course – Participant’s Course Review

Teachers Post Course Survey Results

Source: Independent Survey by New South Wales Government Teacher Accreditation Board (NESA) published results. NESA is responsible fo approximately 64,000 teachers.

Method: NSW Teachers must evaluate the course on the NESA website after completing the training in order for the PD hours to be registered.

Sue Online Course is Rating 4.8 Stars out a possible 5 on the NSW Education Standards Authority Website (NESA) All NSW Teachers are required to log into the NESA website after any NESA accredited course and complete an evaluation. It is totally independent of the course providers.

Additional to 4.8 Star rating, 100% of participants answer “YES” to the question “Are there learnings from this course you will put into practice?”


Review of Online Course by ACT Government – 100% of Teachers Strongly Agree or Agree gained useful knowledge and information from the program.

(this is a review conducted by the ACT Teacher Quality Institute as part of our Accredited Training requirements) – see report SL-online-ACT-TQI-evaluation-2017
I had heard great things about all of Sue Larkey’s courses. I completed the 45 minute course ‘Key Strategies for Success’ and found this extremely useful.  I then chose to complete the longer course. Not only did this course give me a very extensive range of strategies to try,  I now have a much clearer understanding of ASD, what it can look like and that it is never the same in two children.”

“Thank you Sue for the most relevant and practical PD I have ‘attended’. WOW! Having the download notes prior was a great idea. I actually went back and watched the episodes again as it takes me time to soak in the info.Thank you again for giving me a new passion and understanding for all those little cherubs in my class.” Therese, Teacher

“Thank you Sue for your very enlightening course. I wish I had learnt all these pointers some years ago.”  Lorraine, Teacher

Some of the key points I took away were: *You can’t stop the behaviour, you can change it. *Time management = anxiety management. *The difference between sensory meltdown, behaviour meltdown and tantrum. I feel much more confident in being the teacher for this little person.  This course was fabulous and I would highly recommend it to other educators of children with ASD.  Thanks so much Sue for providing such a valuable resource.” 🙂 Kathleen, Teacher

“I’m really enjoying the online PD and have lots of ideas that I can take back to my class.” Penny

“I am both a Mum to a &yr old with ASD and an English teacher, and feel you really addressed important issues in a practical and informative way. I feel I have many new strategies to try and implement and benefited from the examples you provided. I’m also grateful my son’s teacher and learning support teacher are both doing your webinar too, so together we should be able to make a difference to my son’s learning and engagement with the world” Fiona, Parent

“My son’s teacher said it’s the best in- service she has ever had! She has had an epiphany! She understands it all so much better. She has some great ideas for the aide! She feels empowered and inspired! This is so great for all her future students too.”

“It was all you promised – practical, fast moving, fun and motivational. You have a great understanding of ASD and a true talent for sharing your knowledge and passion in a way we can relate to.”

“Thank you for organising these online modules for training. They are great! Easy to follow and full of fantastic strategies for you to walk away with. A must for ALL teachers.” John, Indonesia

“I just finished the online course. I got a lot out of it, I wish more people would do the course! I appreciate your time and enthusiasm!” Annemarie, Parent child with ASD

“Firstly I just want to thank you for such an enjoyable, & educational online course about understanding autism. I thoroughly enjoyed each module and cold have easily listened to you talk for another 5 hours! After finishing the modules I cannot wait to get back into the classroom and put some of your tips and idea into practice. I personally enjoyed watching the videos of children on the ASD and then listening to you speak of those specific cases. For me those real examples made things very clear and understandable.” Rebecca (Teacher)

I really enjoyed Sue Larkey’s course tremendeously and have learned a great deal, not to mention gaining a new perspective on so many things. Sue was easy to listen to and she kept me engaged with her enthusiasm and obvious caring nature, as she spoke about the children and her experiences with the children, their families and how she has helped them with their many challenges. Sue’s detailed insight of so many things on ASD/Aspergers has suddenly shed so much light onto so many issues for a number of students (and a few children outside my working environment) for me. It made me want to watch it all again, just to see if I can retain even more the second time around. There was just so much to take in. Some of the simpliest ideas and tips have already helped me in dealing with kids one on one. She mentions in her video that if we thought there was any part of the lessons that should be taken out, or perhaps replaced with something else. Well I don’t feel I have enough experience as yet, to offer advice as to what needs to be added in her videos, but I personally don’t feel there was anything she should take out! There wasn’t one lesson that I didn’t enjoy and found myself discussing it with others and they definitely made ME stop and think about the way I DO and SAY things a lot more when dealing with the children. Some of the simpliest of tips which have made me stop and think and others I wasn’t aware of, but they all have really helped: Talk in a monotone voice to tell them what to do. A red ear – can be a pre-warning to a shutdown. Make sure they’ve had a drink of water and been to the toilet before a good learning session is to start. Ensure you say the child’s name BEFORE you give them an instruction (which I thought I was doing quite well, but obviously not well enough). Children on the spectrum always replace one behaviour with another and you can’t stop a behaviour…. but you DO need to replace it! I could go on and on…. Let alone the list of resources which outline strategies for specific behaviours/issues needing a fresh idea. So Im very thankful that this course was offered to me and I was given the opportunity to take part and gain some very helpful strategies. Kind regard, Kerry (Teacher)

Could you please pass on my thanks to Sue for amazing course. As an EA and mum to a child with autism I took so much away with this course, not only for myself, my child and the students I work with but to share with family and teachers. It is the first course I have done that really gets people to reflect on themselves first and then use it as a reflection tool when exploring the complexities of ASD. Kind regards, Michelle

My apologies if this is the wrong place to send but, I just wanted to say thank you for a very informative & interesting course. i am currently doing a cert3in education support course. Your course has been helpful in enhancing this course & ive looked forward to doing it every week. Very easy to follow & understand. It makes sense. So thank you 🙂 Brenda

Also, can you please pass on to Sue that her course has made the life of one little girl in my room a whole lot easier. Only diagnosed with severe autism this year – the first year of Kindergarten – I was at a loss as I had never taught a child with autism before. This little girl has made me a better teacher and I think, a better person! So on behalf of her, and myself please tell your amazing wife that she is changing lives 🙂 Jane (Teacher)

“I have just completed the 5 module course. Thank you so much for all the strategies and useful tips you passed on. I have already implemented so many and can see such a difference in my kids. As far as I’m concerned I loved all the modules, each one had something in it for me and my beautiful kids” Jill Special Needs Education Assistant.

“Your course was of great encouragement and informative. I’ve already found great success in some of the strategies with a young boy I look after. You helped me make a stressful activity a pleasant one. “ Lucia

“Myself and 10 Special Needs Education Assistants (SNEAs), engaged in the PL together. I personally got goosebumps with some of the information Sue provided.” Neisha

“I have completed your 5 week online course not long ago and got so much out of it for my work so thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and skills. it is so inspirational watching someone with so much passion and commitment for children with such high and diverse needs.” Jess, Out of School Hours Care

“Just wanted to say I loved the online course. Fantastic and very practical! Would be beneficial for everyone, all staff members to view. Loved it!” Rachel